I Feel Like a New Person


I was feeling blah. There is just no better way to put it. I used to be quite active, but I had gotten pretty sedentary with my new office job. I was sitting more than anything, so I attributed it to that. I decided to make myself become more active, but I had a hard time getting up the energy to do much of anything. It was not that I was tired. It just felt like I had no energy. A good friend told me I needed to see a Round Rock chiropractor, but I disagreed.

I told her that I had not hurt myself in any way, as that was the only reason I thought people went to see this kind of doctor. She told me that people go for all kinds of reasons, and accidents and injuries are just two of them. Read More

Hurt My Back Riding Horses


I used to ride horses when I was a kid, but that has been a really long time ago. My grandfathers both had horses and every summer I would go up to Kentucky to see them. One of them would sometimes have a pony, usually a Welsh pony or a Shetland pony when I was really little and of course it is a lot easier for a child to ride a pony instead of a horse that seems huge to him. At any rate I just got back from seeing a Phoenix chiropractor who had to fix my back for me. At first I went to see a doctor, but they only gave me x rays and mended all of the cuts and bruises that I had after that horse threw me into a fence. It was not that much fun at first and I was walking around like a character from that Monty Python sketch until I got fixed up.

At any rate it all started out a lot of fun. The people I was visiting had some quarter horses and they were a blast to ride. They had been trained to barrel race and they were really good at it. Read More

I Was Not Sleeping Good


For the longest time, I did not sleep good at night. I might catch a few quality hours of sleep, but it was never enough for me. Most people were sleeping between six and eight hours every night, and they felt refreshed and ready to tackle the day. I was getting less than half of that, and to put it bluntly, I was just flat out tired. I woke up with no energy, and sometimes it felt like I was sleepwalking through the days. That all changed when I went to see a Pleasanton chiropractor though.

I had told my doctor that I was at wit’s end with not sleeping a lot. I was not able to take a nap throughout the day, and sleeping pills made me feel too sick. He said that the best course of action would be to find out why I was not sleeping, and he is the one who told me I should see a chiropractor. I was so desperate for answers, and I readily agreed to this. If I would have thought about it though, I might have wondered how a chiropractor can help with sleep issues!

It turns out that a chiropractor can do a lot of things for a person. Read More

It’s Just a Little Procedure


A mysterious problem in my back was identified by a chiropractor in Santa Rosa CA. The problem was associated with one of the discs in my vertebrae. In order to eliminate the problem, I had to have a procedure done. Although the end result of the procedure was a fully healthy back, I was scared to go through with it. I’m not the kind of person who takes the news of having to go through medical procedures well. I always think about the kinds of things that could go wrong during, even for something that is simple and non-invasive.

The chiropractor told me that it would be a standard procedure and I would have nothing to worry about, and my wife tried to do the same, but all I could think about was an accident. My wife thought I was being a little silly. She’s usually the first person to go to the doctor, and if she needs to have a medical procedure done, she’ll get it done right away, after having a second opinion. She always tells me that if you want to live a long time, you have to go to the doctor on a regular basis and pay attention to your body’s warning signs.

I had a choice between living with the problem in my back for the rest of my life, or getting the procedure done and never having to think about it again. At the request of my wife and the chiropractor, I put my fears behind me and went through with the procedure. It was pretty quick and nothing went wrong. After I was done healing from the procedure, my wife took me out to dinner to celebrate. Looking back on the whole experience now, it was pretty funny how I was acting like a big baby.

I Fell Hard on My Behind


I was out walking my dog not long ago when he got loose. He jerked the leash really hard when he spotted a rabbit, and it knocked me on my behind. I hurt when I got up, and I was so thankful when he listened to me and came right back. I knew that we were going to have to work on his obedience training some more, but all I wanted at the moment was to go home and lie down. What ended up happening was I contacted my chiropractor in Redding to see if there were any openings for that same day.

I had to walk four blocks home from where he got loose. With each block that I endured, the pain got that much worse. Read More

I Am Back at My Goal Weight


I needed to lose weight, and I was determined to do it as quickly as possible. I used to be overweight by nearly a hundred pounds about six years ago, and I managed to keep the weight off for just about that entire time. However, when I stepped on the scale about three months ago and saw that I had been slowly gaining weight, I knew that I had to do something drastic if I did not want to be big again. That is how I found Shaun Hadsalls 14 day fat loss.

I had gone online and looked for extreme and quick weight loss programs. Read More

Some Things Are Better Left Alone


I’m usually not the type of person who will get into accidents and scrapes, so when I do get an injury, I take it more seriously than anything else. I recently had an injury so bad that I needed to get treatment from a Sacramento chiropractic center. I was doing some cleaning in my home by sorting through some old boxes. These boxes had been in my attic since I moved into the home and I never bothered to do anything with them except let them collect dust. While moving a heavy box, I injured my back. Read More

Finding the Best San Rafael Chiropractor


I’m getting older and am having more aches and pains as time moves on. After years of being a nurse for wheelchair bound patients, it has taken a toll on my back. I have finally decided to seek the help of a San Rafael chiropractor. I did the typical internet search and found one that is relatively close to my home. They not only offer chiropractor services but also mental well-being services and wellness workshops. It all sounded good to me. Maybe they can help me eliminate some of the stress and anxiety from my life. It is most certainly worth a try.

I called to schedule an appointment and was pleasantly surprised that they offer a free chiropractic consultation for all new patients. I liked the thought of this since I had never been to a chiropractor before and wasn’t quite sure if I wanted to pursue this course of treatment for my back problems. The lady on the other end of the phone was so nice and accommodating which put me at ease. Read More

I Shall Be Here Awhile Longer


I have been here for a couple of weeks now, some of the time I have been working and some of the time I have playing the tourist. The company needs me over to do some things, but it is not exactly the schedule that I accustomed to. This morning I learned how to refill one of my prescriptions. I do not know what happened to the pills, but I sort of suspect that one of the cleaning ladies at the hotel may have pinched them for some reason. I apparently needed an apotheke in Germany or at least that was what the place said when I found it. Read More

A Cream That Actually Works


As someone with a small bust, I have spent many years looking for the best solutions for larger breasts. I can remember as a teenager doing exercises and various other movements that we all thought would increase our breast size. I tried pills and ointments and more exercises and of course none of those things worked. As puberty came and went, I continued to have small breasts. I had hopes genetics would kick in and I’d look like my mother and my aunts, who have a lot to brag about, but something went wrong somewhere. It was and continues to be depressing.

My husband sympathized with my constant complaining and even offered to pony up money for breast implants, but I have a deathly fear of any type of surgery as well as doctors in general and just couldn’t bring myself to do the one thing that would absolutely guarantee I would have a nice sized bust size. Read More